Haunted Hollywood: Exploring Famous and Lesser-Known Ghostly Locations

Maxwell Bennett
5 min readJun 8, 2023


Hollywood at Night: A city teeming with history and unexplained phenomena.

The Haunted History of Hollywood: Exploring Ghostly Locations

Hollywood has always been associated with glitz and glamour. However, beyond the shiny facade lies a dark and mystifying side. Hollywood is home to several historic haunted places that have been attracting paranormal enthusiasts for years. From famous Hollywood hauntings to lesser-known supernatural events in Hollywood, this city has always been a magnet for those seeking spine-chilling encounters. In this article, we will take a closer look at the popular and lesser-known haunted locations in Hollywood.

Why Does Hollywood Have So Many Ghost Stories?

Early days of Hollywood, a breeding ground for ghost stories.

Hollywood’s haunting history can be attributed to several things, including its long history. Since its early days as a movie industry hub, Los Angeles has seen its fair share of natural and man-made tragedies, resulting in restless spirits seeking closure or vengeance. Another possibility is that celebrities who passed away may still linger around their favorite places they enjoyed while alive or unfinished business left behind that could lead them back to Tinseltown.

Famous Haunted Locations in Hollywood

The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, an iconic haunt for spirits of the stars.

The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel: Marilyn Monroe and Montgomery Clift’s Ghost Sightings

Marilyn Monroe/Montgomery Clift, whose spirits are said to still inhabit the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel.

The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel is one of the most famous and historic haunted hotels in Hollywood. The hotel opened its doors in 1927 and has since been home to several celebrity guests. It is said that Marilyn Monroe’s ghost still haunts room 1200 where she used to stay. Several visitors have reported seeing her reflection in mirrors or feeling her presence while staying in this room.

Montgomery Clift, another famous actor from the golden age of cinema, also resided at this hotel during his acting career. It is believed that his ghost haunts room 928 where he stayed while filming “From Here to Eternity.” Visitors have reported hearing strange noises or seeing his apparition in this room.

The Chateau Marmont: John Belushi’s Ghost Sightings

The Chateau Marmont/John Belushi, forever linked to the hotel through stories of ghostly encounters.

The Chateau Marmont is another famous haunted hotel in Hollywood. This iconic hotel has been a favorite spot for celebrities since it opened its doors in 1929. However, it gained notoriety when John Belushi passed away due to a drug overdose inside one of its bungalows.

Since then, visitors staying at this hotel have reported strange noises coming from his former bungalow or seeing his apparition walking around on the premises. Some even claim they can smell cigarette smoke, which was one of Belushi’s favorite vices, coming from the bungalow.

The Comedy Store: Ghosts of Comedians Who Passed Away Still Haunt the Building

The Comedy Store, where laughter and ghostly whispers coexist.

The Comedy Store is a popular venue for stand-up comedy shows in Hollywood. The venue is home to several famous comedians who have performed there over the years. However, the building is assumed to be haunted, with reports of ghosts of comedians who passed away lingering within its walls.

Lesser-Known Haunted Locations in Hollywood

Beyond the limelight, other Hollywood locations hold eerie tales of their own.

The Griffith Observatory: James Dean’s ghost sightings

The Griffith Observatory, where the spirit of James Dean is said to roam.

Many visitors claim that the Griffith Observatory has an inexplicable spooky presence. According to legend, James Dean’s ghost haunts the Griffith Observatory as it was one of his favorite places to visit in Hollywood. Visitors claim to have seen his apparition wearing a red jacket, just like the one Dean wore in “Rebel Without a Cause.” Some even claim to have heard his voice whispering their name while exploring the observatory’s halls.

Yamashiro Restaurant: Ghostly Apparitions and Unexplained Noises

Yamashiro Restaurant, a feast for both the living and the spectral.

Now an upscale restaurant known for its stunning views of Los Angeles and delectable Asian cuisine, the Yamashiro Restaurant, once an opulent estate built by a wealthy businessman, is said to be one of Hollywood’s most haunted locations. Staff have reported strange occurrences such as doors opening and closing on their own, unexplained noises throughout the building, and glasses moving without explanation. Many believe these incidents are caused by ghosts lurking inside Yamashiro.

The Silent Movie Theatre: Ghosts of Former Employees and Patrons

The Silent Movie Theatre, where some say the audience never leaves.

The Silent Movie Theatre, once one of Hollywood’s premier destinations for movie lovers, is assumed to have ghosts of former employees and patrons. After the tragic murder of its owner in 1997, rumors began to spread about supernatural occurrences in the theatre. Visitors have reported seeing apparitions throughout the building, including former employees and patrons who lost their lives while watching movies.

TCL Chinese Theatre: Carole Lombard’s Ghost Sightings

The TCL Chinese Theatre, a theatre that entertains both the living and the spectral.

One of the most famous ghost stories associated with the TCL Chinese Theatre involves actress Carole Lombard. Visitors have seen shadowy figures moving across the stage, heard unexplained footsteps in empty corridors, and witnessed doors opening and closing on their own. Apart from Lombard’s ghost, there have been reports of other supernatural events associated with the TCL Chinese Theatre.

Paramount Pictures Studio Lot: Rumors of Paranormal Activity on the Lot

Paramount Pictures Studio Lot, where echoes of the past still haunt the present.

The Paramount Pictures Studio Lot is one of Hollywood’s most storied locations, having produced countless classic films over its long history. However, it is also rumored to be one of Hollywood’s most haunted locations. One story involves a former employee who allegedly died on set during filming back in the 1940s. Visitors have reported hearing strange noises coming from these stages even when they’re not in use. Another ghost story associated with the Paramount Pictures Studio Lot involves actor Rudolph Valentino.

Conclusion: The Supernatural Side of Hollywood is Worth Exploring

A taste of Hollywood’s supernatural side: an adventure waiting to be experienced.

Whether you believe in ghosts or not, exploring haunted locations in Hollywood can be an exciting adventure and provide a unique glimpse into the supernatural side of Tinseltown’s rich history. Joining in on one of the many popular Hollywood ghost tours available can be an excellent way of exploring these historic haunted places. Who knows? You may even have your ghost story to tell afterward!



Maxwell Bennett

Maxwell Bennett here, BC-born travel blogger. I journey across the world. Exploring hidden gems and haunted spots and sharing my travel tips. Join me!