The Haunted History of Carson City

Maxwell Bennett
4 min readJan 10, 2024


Carson City: A Glimpse into Its Eerie Past

An elegant Victorian mansion, reminiscent of the Governor’s Mansion in Carson City, Nevada

Carson City, the capital of Nevada, boasts a history rich with intrigue and mystery. Established in 1858, it quickly became a pivotal city in the west, especially during the silver and gold rushes. Today, it is not just the political heart of Nevada but also a repository of ghostly legends and haunted places, each with a story to tell.

The Governor’s Mansion: Echoes of the Victorian Era

Built in 1909 during the tenure of Governor Denver S. Dickerson, the Governor’s Mansion is renowned for its exquisite Victorian architecture. This historic building has witnessed over a century of Nevada’s political history, and it’s rumored that the spirits of past residents still roam its halls. Reports of spectral figures, unexplained noises, and ghostly whispers have long been part of its allure.

The Mansion’s Mysterious Inhabitants

The most famous ghostly inhabitant is said to be Governor Dickerson’s daughter, June, who tragically died in infancy. Staff and visitors often speak of hearing a baby’s cries or seeing a woman in Victorian attire, believed to be June’s mother, Una Dickerson, wandering the corridors.

The Brewery Arts Center: From Beer to Art and Ghosts

The Brewery Arts Center in Carson City, Nevada, a historical building that once served as a brewery

The Brewery Arts Center, once the bustling Carson Brewing Company, founded in 1860, is a testament to the city’s industrial past. This building, now a vibrant center for the arts, carries echoes of its previous life. Patrons and staff recount tales of ghostly presences, perhaps remnants of the brewery workers or patrons from long ago.

Spirits of the Brewery

Visitors have reported unexplained cold spots, the sound of footsteps in empty corridors, and even sightings of apparitions dressed in period clothing, suggesting a lingering connection to its historic roots.

The Legacy of the Ferris House

A stately, historic house resembling the Ferris House in Carson City, Nevada

The Ferris House, constructed by George Washington Gale Ferris Jr., stands as a monument to American innovation. Ferris, famous for creating the original Ferris wheel for the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, brought his ingenuity to Carson City. Today, his former home is shrouded in mystery, with sightings of his apparition and reports of unexplained phenomena, making it a focal point for ghost hunters and history enthusiasts alike.

The Bliss Mansion: Architectural Splendor and Ghostly Whispers

The Bliss Mansion in Carson City, Nevada, depicted in a majestic and grand manner

Constructed in 1879 by lumber and railroad magnate Duane L. Bliss, the Bliss Mansion is an embodiment of 19th-century opulence. This grandiose structure is not just an architectural wonder but also a hotspot for paranormal activity. Visitors have reported seeing apparitions and hearing strange sounds, contributing to the mansion’s mystique.

The Hauntings of Duane L. Bliss

The ghost of Duane Bliss himself is said to roam the property, perhaps keeping watch over his beloved mansion. Unexplained lights and sounds have been attributed to his lingering presence.

The Brewery Arts Center Theater: A Stage for the Paranormal

The theater section of the Brewery Arts Center, with its rich history dating back to the Carson Brewing Company era, is renowned for its otherworldly occurrences. Performers and audience members alike have experienced unusual happenings, from ghostly figures crossing the stage to unaccountable whispers in the audience.

The Nevada State Museum: A Haunted Treasury of History

Nevada State Museum in Carson City, formerly the U.S. Mint

The Nevada State Museum, originally serving as the U.S. Mint from 1870 to 1893, is a treasure trove of Nevada’s history. But beyond its historical artifacts, it’s also known for spectral sightings and eerie occurrences. The old coin press room and the basement are particularly noted for their paranormal activity.

Ghostly Guardians of the Mint

The spirits of former mint workers are said to be the most active, with reports of shadowy figures and the sounds of the coin press operating in the dead of night.

Q&A: Unearthing Carson City’s Haunted Secrets

Q1: What are some notable ghost stories associated with the Governor’s Mansion?

The Governor’s Mansion is renowned for ghost stories, including the apparition of Governor Dickerson’s daughter, June, and her mother, Una, who are said to still roam the mansion’s halls.

Q2: Can visitors experience the paranormal at the Brewery Arts Center?

Yes, the Brewery Arts Center, formerly a brewing company, is a hub for paranormal activity, with reports of unexplained phenomena such as cold spots, phantom footsteps, and sightings of ghostly figures.

Q3: What makes the Nevada State Museum a site of ghostly encounters?

The Nevada State Museum, once a U.S. Mint, is known for its spectral sightings, especially in the old coin press room and the basement, where the spirits of former mint workers are believed to linger.



Maxwell Bennett

Maxwell Bennett here, BC-born travel blogger. I journey across the world. Exploring hidden gems and haunted spots and sharing my travel tips. Join me!