The Haunted History of Savannah, Georgia

Maxwell Bennett
12 min readJun 12, 2023


The charming city of Savannah, Georgia.

A Charming City with a Dark Past

Savannah, Georgia is one of the most charming cities in America. With its cobblestone streets, well-preserved architecture, and lush greenery, it’s no wonder that Savannah draws in millions of visitors each year.

But behind the city’s beauty lies a darker history — one that has led to countless ghost stories and reports of paranormal activity. For years, Savannah has been known as one of the most haunted cities in America.

Visitors come from all over to explore its eerie alleyways and visit its haunted locations. Ghost tour guides in Savannah lead groups through the city’s most haunted spots, sharing spine-tingling stories of restless spirits and unexplained phenomena.

Why is Savannah so Haunted?

The eerie beauty of haunted Savannah

There are many theories as to why Savannah is so haunted. One possibility is that the city’s location on the coast made it a hub for trade during colonial times — a time when disease was rampant and death was common. Another theory is that during the Civil War, many soldiers died in and around Savannah, leaving behind restless spirits.

Regardless of why it’s so haunted, there’s no denying that there are countless ghost stories in Savannah — from tales of vengeful pirates to tragic love stories gone wrong. It’s no wonder that ghost hunting in Savannah has become such a popular pastime.

The Most Haunted Spots in Savannah

The Kehoe House, one of the most haunted spots in Savannah

There are many haunted hotels in Savannah GA where guests have reported seeing apparitions or feeling an inexplicable presence. The Kehoe House on Columbia Square was once a family home turned funeral parlor where guests have reported sightings of ghostly children playing on the staircase. But there are also plenty of other haunted locations in Savannah Georgia to explore beyond just hotels — such as historic homes like the Sorrel Weed House, where ghost stories have been passed down for generations.

And then there’s Bonaventure Cemetery, which is not only a breathtakingly beautiful location but also one of the most haunted places in Savannah. Those looking to experience the paranormal activity in Savannah can take one of many Savannah ghost tours.

These tours take visitors to some of the city’s most haunted locations and are led by knowledgeable guides who know all the best ghost stories in Savannah. Ultimately, whether you believe in ghosts or not, exploring Savannah’s haunted locations is a unique and thrilling experience that offers insight into the city’s fascinating and often-dark history.

History of Savannah

Downtown Savannah GA

Savannah, Georgia’s rich history dates back to 1733, when General James Oglethorpe and the colonists arrived on the banks of the Savannah River. The city was designed with a grid system of squares and streets that still exist today. The city became an important port in colonial America and a hub for trade.

Savannah played a crucial role in the Civil War as it was one of the last Confederate cities to fall to Union troops. The city was spared from destruction thanks to General William T. Sherman’s “March to the Sea” strategy, but it remained under martial law during Reconstruction.

Despite suffering from fires, hurricanes, and epidemics throughout its history, Savannah has always maintained its charm and historic significance. Today, visitors can explore Savannah’s rich history through museums, tours, and landmarks.

Founding and early history

Founder of Savannah GA. James Oglethorpe

Savannah is one of the oldest cities in America dating back to its founding in 1733 by James Oglethorpe as a buffer colony against Spanish Florida. It served as Georgia’s colonial capital until 1785 when Augusta became the capital.

The city grew quickly due to its strategic location on the coast and its successful rice plantations which led to wealth for many plantation owners. In addition to being an economic powerhouse, Savannah has also been home to many notable figures throughout history such as Juliette Gordon Low (founder of Girl Scouts), Johnny Mercer (songwriter), Paula Deen (chef), Flannery O’Connor (author) among others.

Role in the Civil War

Fort Pulaski, Savannah GA

In 1864 during General William T. Sherman’s “March to the Sea,” his Union army reached Savannah on December 21st but the city was surrendered peacefully by Mayor Richard Arnold. During the war, Savannah served as an important Confederate port and manufacturing center, which made it a strategic target for Union troops.

Despite the city’s importance, it suffered relatively little damage during the war thanks to Sherman’s decision to spare it from destruction. After the war, Savannah was occupied by Union troops until Reconstruction ended in 1877.

Reconstruction era and beyond

Susan B. Anthony

Despite being spared from destruction during the Civil War, Savannah still suffered greatly during Reconstruction as martial law was enforced in the city. In 1868 Georgia became one of five southern states that ratified a new constitution that gave African American males the right to vote. In 1898, Susan B. Anthony led a women’s suffrage parade in Savannah.

In addition to its rich history and culture, Savannah is also known for its haunted locations with ghost tours being a popular attraction for visitors looking for paranormal activity in one of America’s most historic cities.

Bonaventure Cemetery: A Final Resting Place for Both the Living and the Dead

The haunting beauty of Bonaventure Cemetery

Bonaventure Cemetery is one of Savannah’s most famous haunts. It was first established in 1846 on a former plantation along the Wilmington River.

The cemetery’s name comes from the French phrase, “bonne aventure,” meaning “good fortune.” However, many believe that there is more to this cemetery than just good luck. Bonaventure Cemetery has been said to be one of the most haunted places in Savannah.

Visitors have reported sightings of strange apparitions, unexplainable noises, and sudden temperature drops. One of the most famous ghost stories from Bonaventure Cemetery involves a young girl named Gracie Watson, the daughter of a wealthy local family.

Visitors claim that they can still see her ghostly figure wandering around her grave. But what makes Bonaventure Cemetery even more mysterious is its history.

The cemetery was once part of a plantation owned by John Mullryne and his wife Fanny Bosse. Today, their graves are located within Bonaventure’s grounds, but some believe that their spirits still linger around as well.

The Marshall House: A Civil War Hospital Turned Haunted Hotel

The Marshall House, one of the many haunted hotels in Savannah

The Marshall House is known as Savannah’s most haunted hotel. This historic building was originally constructed in 1851 as an upscale hotel for travelers coming through Savannah’s bustling port town.

During the Civil War, however, it served as a hospital for both Union and Confederate soldiers. Today, guests at The Marshall House report paranormal activity such as unexplainable noises in empty rooms and sudden changes in temperature throughout the hotel.

Some visitors have even claimed to see ghostly apparitions dressed in Civil War-era clothing lurking around corners or standing at their bedside. The building’s history may explain why so many spirits seem to still linger here.

The Marshall House was once a place of great suffering for soldiers during the Civil War. It is said that some of the spirits that haunt the hotel today are those of soldiers who died in its halls.

The Sorrel Weed House: A Prominent Family Home with a Dark Past

The Sorrel Weed House, a grand mansion with a dark past

The Sorrel Weed House is another one of Savannah’s most haunted locations. This grand mansion was built in 1838 by Francis Sorrel, a prominent figure in Savannah’s high society. Today, it sits at the edge of Madison Square, and visitors can take ghost tours to learn about its dark history.

The Sorrel Weed House has been the site of numerous paranormal investigations over the years, with many people reporting strange occurrences such as unexplainable noises and objects moving on their own. One of the most famous ghosts at the house is said to be that of Molly Sorrel, Francis’s wife, who committed suicide inside one of the upstairs bedrooms.

However, it’s not just Molly’s ghost that haunts this building. Many believe that there are several other spirits still lingering around from different periods throughout its history.

Moon River Brewing Company: A Haunted Brewery with Poltergeist-Like Behavior

The Moon River Brewing Company, a popular brewery with a haunted history

Moon River Brewing Company is a popular brewery located in downtown Savannah. However, what many people don’t know is that this building was once home to a hotel called City Hotel in 1821 which became infamous as one haunted spot in Savannah Georgia for many years now.

Visitors report seeing ghostly apparitions dressed in Victorian clothing wandering through the brewery and experiencing sudden changes in temperature throughout the building — especially in certain areas where activity seems to be more frequent and intense. One particularly eerie event happened when an employee was closing up for the night and heard loud footsteps from upstairs only to discover no one was there when he checked — but rather broken glass objects scattered all over where he had just cleaned.

Paranormal experts have investigated the building and believe that there is more than one spirit haunting the brewery. One of them is said to be the ghost of a young girl who tragically died in a fall from the second floor balcony, while another one named Toby is known for his poltergeist-like behavior.

Mercer Williams House Museum: The “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil” House with Jim William’s Ghost Stories

The Mercer Williams House Museum, made famous by “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil”

The Mercer Williams House Museum was made famous by John Berendt’s book, “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.” This grand mansion was built in 1868 by General Hugh W. Mercer, but it’s better known as the home of Jim Williams, an antiques dealer who shot and killed his lover Danny Hansford inside the house. Today, visitors can tour this historic home and learn about its many ghosts that are rumored to still haunt its halls.

People have reported seeing apparitions pacing around upstairs bedrooms while hearing whispers or footsteps from other parts of the house. There are many ghost stories related to Jim Williams himself.

Some visitors claim that they have seen him wandering through his old home, while others report strange occurrences such as doors opening on their own or objects moving by themselves. With so many haunted locations to explore in Savannah Georgia, why not take a ghost tour?

There are many companies offering tours that will take you to some of the most haunted places in Savannah. Whether you’re a believer or a skeptic, these tours offer an opportunity to learn about Savannah’s rich history and hear some spine-tingling ghost stories along the way.

Lesser-Known Haunted Locations

Colonial Park Cemetery: A Graveyard of Ghostly Legends

The Colonial Park Cemetery, a lesser-known haunted spot in Savannah

Not all the haunted locations in Savannah are as well-known as the Sorrel Weed House or Moon River Brewing Company. One of the lesser-known haunted spots is the Colonial Park Cemetery, established in 1750 and serving as an important burial ground for Savannah’s early residents.

It’s a peaceful place during the day, but at night, it becomes one of Savannah’s most haunted places. Ghost tour guides in Savannah often take visitors to Colonial Park Cemetery to share ghost stories and legends associated with some of its most famous inhabitants.

Visitors have reported seeing apparitions and hearing eerie voices coming from among the tombstones. Paranormal activity in Savannah is not uncommon, but it’s especially pronounced at places like this cemetery.

Kehoe House: Where Children Play Eternally

The Kehoe House, where ghostly children are said to play

The Kehoe House was originally a family home turned funeral parlor. It is now a charming bed and breakfast located on Columbia Square. The ghostly legend surrounding this location revolves around sightings of ghostly children playing on the staircase.

According to some paranormal investigators and ghost story enthusiasts who have visited Kehoe House, these children were once part of the Kehoe family that lived there over a century ago. Although no historical records have confirmed their existence, many people believe they can still be seen playing in different parts of the house long after their passing.

Owens Thomas House & Slave Quarters: A Haunting Reminder of Slavery

The Owens Thomas House & Slave Quarters, a haunting reminder of Savannah’s past

One place that has a haunting history tied to slavery is Owens Thomas House & Slave Quarters Museum. The stunning architecture was designed by William Jay and built in 1819–1820 for Richard Richardson who later sold it to George Welshman Owens then leased it to planter Dr. James Tondee. It is one of the few historic sites in Savannah that gives visitors an insight into the lives of enslaved people who lived there.

Ghost stories in Savannah are not just about hauntings, but also about unresolved tragedies and injustices. Many people believe that the ghosts of enslaved people still haunt Owens Thomas House & Slave Quarters Museum, and some have reported hearing strange sounds or seeing apparitions related to this dark chapter of America’s history.

Uncovering More Haunted Locations in Savannah

Ghost Tour, Savannah GA

These are just some examples of the lesser-known haunted locations to explore in Savannah, Georgia. While places like the Sorrel Weed House or Bonaventure Cemetery may be more famous, it’s worth exploring other spots throughout the city to uncover more ghostly legends and paranormal activity.

Haunted tours are popular ways to discover new haunted places in Savannah. There are several guided tours that take visitors to different haunted locations throughout the city.

From ghost hunting in Savannah to learning about its most haunted hotels, these tours offer an eerie experience for those brave enough to venture out at night. Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, Savannah’s most haunted spots will leave you with a chill down your spine and memories that will last a lifetime.


Summary of Haunted Locations to Explore in Savannah, Georgia

The haunted charm of Savannah, Georgia

Savannah, Georgia is a city steeped in history and legend. It’s no wonder that it’s known as one of the most haunted cities in America. With so many historical sites and beautiful buildings, it’s worth taking a ghost tour or two to explore the haunted side of this charming city.

Some of the most popular haunted locations to explore include Bonaventure Cemetery, The Marshall House, The Sorrel Weed House, Moon River Brewing Company, and Mercer Williams House Museum. These sites are full of history and ghost stories that will leave you feeling spooked.

If you’re looking for lesser-known haunted spots to explore, consider visiting Colonial Park Cemetery, Kehoe House or Owens Thomas House & Slave Quarters. Each location has its own unique history and ghostly legends that make them worth exploring.

The Importance of Preserving Historical Sites with Ghostly Legends

Olde Harbour Inn, Savannah GA

It’s important to preserve historical sites like those found throughout Savannah that have ghostly legends attached to them. These places tell important stories about our past and offer insight into what life was like for those who came before us. Additionally, preserving these sites keeps the stories alive for future generations.

Ghost tours and paranormal investigations are popular activities in Savannah, drawing tourists from all over the world. By preserving these historical sites with ghostly legends attached to them we can ensure that people will continue to be interested in history for years to come.

Whether you’re interested in haunted hotels in Savannah GA or just want to hear some spooky ghost stories in Savannah while on vacation; there are plenty of haunted locations throughout Savannah that are worth exploring. From well-known spots like Bonaventure Cemetery and The Marshall House to lesser-known locations like Owens Thomas House & Slave Quarters; each site has its own unique history and ghostly legends that make it worth visiting.

So, book a Savannah ghost tour or grab a Savannah Ghost Hunting kit and start exploring the haunted side of this charming city. Who knows what you might find?



Maxwell Bennett

Maxwell Bennett here, BC-born travel blogger. I journey across the world. Exploring hidden gems and haunted spots and sharing my travel tips. Join me!